Trail Guide

“I’m afraid that whatever I write will make this worse.”  That was the start of Jenny’s assignment today.  Yesterday afternoon, the counselor called to set up an appointment for a Friday session with Mark and the kids.  She asked that we agree to have Mark pick the kids up and take them to the appointment.

Will and Jen are not at all thrilled about riding to the appointment with Mark.  I think the lack of contact has made them even more uncomfortable with their dad.  I can see why the counselor wants them to ride with Mark.  She wants to see what the kids are like, when they aren’t washed in my influence.  And I agree with her.  Even though I’m trying to be very diplomatic with this process, they will pick up on my energy.  We are too tight for that not to happen.

Will is currently penning an 11 year old’s version of  The Grapes of Wrath.  He hasn’t taken any breaks to ask for a cup of coffee or swing a club.  He has completely embraced this assignment.  His paper starts with, “What Bugs Me About My Dad.”

I wanted to help them vent their frustrations by turning this into a home school project.  They’ll have more material to discuss at the counseling session, and hopefully they will be able to unload their hearts a bit.  Perhaps this assignment will calm them and guide them during tomorrow’s appointment.

They’ll head back into Narcissism Country with their own trail guides.  I’m going to cover them in body armor and stick little virtual spray cans of mace in their hands.

Vacation cannot come soon enough.


On a side note…  If I had some fresh basil, I could make a lovely pile of pesto with all this garlic I’ve been smashing.

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  1. As part of their armor, they’ll have your love wrapped around them like a cozy blanket. Remind them of that.

    I bet Katie would be happy to give you the fresh basil. A huge basil plant – huge meaning the top of it meets you in the eye – grows right outside her front door. She harvests enough leaves to make great pesto every now and then.

  2. Looking forward to this appointment being over.

    Basil as shrubbery? I could really enjoy that.