Sparkles in the Cold

cold-quiet1My fingers are still thawing as I write this post.

At 8:30 a.m. it was 4 degrees below zero and absolutely gorgeous out, with all the sparkling snow encrusting everything.  I went out in the cold quiet to take photos of the glorious white landscape.



My eyes teared up from the cold.  My fingers couldn’t push the buttons of the camera.  My boots crunched through the snow, and my knees shook.

It was worth it.




Will is off on an adventure with his dad – a crazy, guys-only, fun-filled day of skiing, tree-cutting and hiking.

We will keep the fire stoked for Will.

I hope he has a wonderful time.  I hope he’s able to enjoy what the day brings, while coping well with his dad.  I hope that he can deal with the uncomfortable without letting it spoil all the fun in front of him.


Just as I dealt with the bitter cold to take pictures of the sparkles.


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  1. Jesse, Your photos are beautiful. Thank you very much also for your blog.
    All the best for you and your kids.


  2. Hi Connie,

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a warm comment. ;)

    Happy Holidays!