Easy, Jesse

easy, jesseEasy, Jesse.  What’s your hurry?  You’ll get it all done, and if you don’t, there’s an awfully good chance that it doesn’t need to be done.

There are no commendations for being the fastest laundry folder or having the cleanest kitchen floor.

You’ll get the emails sent, the books formatted and the bills paid in due time.


Make eye contact with them when they ask, “What’s for lunch?”  If they want you to jump off the shed roof into the leaf pile, do it.  Show her how to read a pattern and then turn her loose.  So what if he wants to learn every detail about waxing skis.  It doesn’t hurt you to pretend to care.


Have tea with your aunt.

Go to lunch with a girlfriend.

Stay up too late watching a movie.

Eat buttery noodles in a snowdrift of Parmesan and forget about protein for a change.


Don’t worry about keeping up with everything.  Not everything needs to be kept up with.


There is grace in taking it slower.


Easy, Jesse.



This morning I received these words from the Universe
in the form of a frazzled voice that sounded a lot like my own.

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One comment

  1. This is such a good reminder! Thank you. : )