More On High School Reunions

“You mean, simply by following my path, I will have complete confidence in everything I say? I’ll spew wise words, funny tidbits, and wow everyone at cocktail parties? All I have to do is be true to myself, show the world who I am, and I’ll never embarrass myself again?”

“It’s not like that. Although that would be nice. It’s not about suddenly becoming a sage with a great sense of comedic timing. It’s about speaking from the place of knowing who you are, having a good heart, and sharing that with the world. It’s about trusting your intentions.

Yes, you are going to say ridiculous things. You probably will still be the type who speaks before the filters have kicked in. The point is that you are speaking authentically. You aren’t couching your words to please another. You won’t be sizing up the audience to try to determine what they would most like to hear.

You will be offering up what is in your heart and mind.  Some words will be wise.  Some words will be funny.  Some words will undoubtedly be stupid.

But they will be your words.

You won’t be preoccupied with whether you gauged the listener correctly, only to discover that you missed the mark.

You won’t be trying to please with what you say.  You will be a true representation of yourself, even with blunders.  And as long as you have good intentions and a good heart, your blunders won’t incriminate you.

Your blunders make you human.  Your screw ups make you real.

And when you allow yourself to be real, those you are with can let their guards down.  It will be easier for others to be real.  Exchanges will reach a new comfort level.  Wouldn’t you like to eliminate phoniness?

Imagine the possibility of showing who you really are, only to be greeted by the real version of others.”


excerpt from Seeing My Path and Taking It – A Conversation with Myself


This excerpt (yes, I really am almost done with the book) perfectly describes the last night of my high school reunion.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself, while actually being myself.

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One comment

  1. Can’t wait to read the whole thing.