Posts Tagged: narcissism

Feb 17

You Get Me

“I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this thing with your dad, but I’m still glad I married him.”

Jenny looked out the car window and said, “It’d be cool if they made some sort of selective amnesia drug.  You know, cuz then you could pick and choose what you wanna remember and then forget the dad parts.”

“But a lot of the dad parts have you and your brother in them, and I don’t wanna forget those.”

“Yeah, I know.”  Jen turned to look at me,  “Well, you know I don’t mean it like, ‘Yeah, we’re awesome, you wouldn’t wanna forget us.'”

I laughed and said, “I know what you meant, honey.  You didn’t mean it like a narcissist.” Continue reading →

Jan 17

Go Quietly in the Direction of Your Change

in the direction of changeTell your mom, if you want.  You might even tell your dad.  Telling your parents depends on your relationship with them.  Remember, you don’t owe them anything.

You don’t need to tell your kids.  If you tell them now, and it takes a while, they’ll sound a lot like, “Mom?  Is it today?  Is it happening today?  When?  Mom, when is the change gonna happen?”  You don’t need that kind of pressure.

Depending on the relationship you have with your BFF, you may want to wait to tell her.  But …  if you can’t tell her right away, she’s not the BFF you think she is.

I have no idea how to predict how a guy responds to anything, so whether you tell him, or not, is up to you.

I do know, though, that if you’re dealing with a narcissist, it’s better not to tell him or her at all.  Make the change.  See if they notice.  If they bring up the change, then be prepared to discuss, or more accurately, listen. Continue reading →

Jan 17

Why I Didn’t March

Have you ever stood outside a narcissist’s man cave yelling at him that it’s time he helped with the laundry and took a turn at entertaining the kids, only to be told that that is woman’s work?

Have you stood in front of a narcissist, hands on your hips, telling him that you will no longer be ignored and that it’s time that your dreams were made a priority, too, only to hear him say, “But if you focus on my dreams, we’ll both be happy.”

Have you written the letter that says, “I’m done!  I will not live like this anymore!  For my sake, and for the good of this family, things have to change around this place,” and he responds with, “Geez, settle down.  Did you forget to eat breakfast again?”


Has screaming, yelling and demanding attention ever worked with a narcissist? Continue reading →

Dec 16

Why Is The Narcissist Being Nice?

mouse-trap“Why is the narcissist being nice?”

Every month, people land on this blog with that search question.

Think of the narcissist as if he went about setting a mouse trap.  You are the mouse.

Nice is giving the mouse a plump piece of cheddar cheese, all the while knowing that the goal is to catch/kill the mouse.  The mouse can’t help herself.  She loves the treat.  No matter how many times she sees sharp cheddar on that wooden plate, she forgets that the plate is a trap.  Once in awhile, she’s savvy enough to get the cheese off the plate, without getting caught.  We all know, though, that the mouse isn’t always that lucky.

The narcissist is setting a trap when he is being nice.  He hopes you will forget that he’s setting a trap.  The cheese might be diamonds or dinners or promises of good behavior.  He might set the trap with organic peanut butter, just to change things up a bit, but he’s still setting a trap. Continue reading →

Aug 16

The Good News

the good newsIf you have children with a narcissist, you’ve probably read up on how to co-parent with one.

I won’t go into what that looks like, other than to say that an adult with the maturity of a six year old doesn’t have any interest in parenting.


Jen recently turned 14.  Somewhere during the day she was heard saying, “Four more years.  Four more years until I don’t have to spend my birthdays with him.”

Will turns 18 in less than a month.  You can probably imagine who will NOT be invited to Will’s party this year. Continue reading →

Aug 16

When Everything is Fine

fine china“How are you?”

“I’m fine.  And you?”

“No, really.  How are you?”

“I’m fine.  Really.”

“But you don’t sound fine.” Continue reading →

Jul 16

On Being Dismissed

Mega Supreme-nessEvery month this blog gets visited by souls who search, “Why did he dismiss me?” or “Why have I been dismissed?”  or “She dismissed me, does she love me?”

In all these years of writing, reading and learning about narcissism, I’ve seen many differing opinions on why the narcissist chooses to dismiss.

  • The narcissist dismisses you when you stop being her source.
  • You’ve been dismissed because he has found a more enthusiastic source.
  • She dismissed you because you no longer buy into her grandiosity or her Mega Supreme-ness.  (Good for you!)
  • Continue reading →

Jul 16

Why The Narcissist Won’t Change

caddisHank placed his cell phone on the bar and sat on a stool.

“You must be done with your shift?”  Joe sat on the stool next to Hank.

“Yeah.  I’m meeting a friend at the river for a little evening fishing, but I’ve got a few minutes.  How are things?”

“Things are …”  Joe turned his stool to face Hank.  “I gotta ask you something.”

Hank was placing flies in a small tackle box.  “Go ahead.” Continue reading →

May 16

That’s Not Love

That's Not Love (2)I woke with a familiar, 40-year-old heartache.  I pulled on my robe while heading up to make coffee.  With each step, the strong voice in my head chanted, “That’s not love.”

In the dream, it was my birthday.  He carefully, and in great deal, explained the gifts he’d purchased.  He discussed the lengths he’d gone to in order to find the perfect items.  He talked of how he’d spent so much energy tracking down these ideal presents.  “Aren’t they beautiful?  Do you like how I put this together?  I found the perfect gifts, didn’t I?”  I reached out to touch the smooth fabric and he said, “Oh, no.  These aren’t for you.”  I woke with a racing heart and a need to vomit.

The 12 year old deep down inside wanted to scream, “Hey!  That’s not right.  What about me?”

Fifty-something me knows the futility of trying to explain to one who lacks empathy.   It’s equally tiresome to either point out that something hurts feelings, or to pretend that feelings aren’t hurt.  I could say, “Hey, that hurts my feelings,” only to be told that it’s not all about me; that he has every right to buy what he wants for whomever he wants, say whatever he likes or do as he pleases.

And the 12 year old with tears welling up in her eyes thinks, “Next year, I’ll be nicer.  Next year, he’ll do nice things for me.  I’ll be different.  I’ll be better.” Continue reading →

Apr 16

The INFJ and the Narcissist – Part 13

hyacinthPerhaps you are that strong person who has no problem saying no to the narcissist.  Maybe you enjoy challenge and confrontation.  When you needed elective credits, you enrolled in Jousting 101 and got an A.  You rock boats just to see how people react.  But, if you’re an INFJ, you avoid confrontation like you avoid the mall on Christmas Eve, or any other time of the year.


She couldn’t say no to the narcissist.

She tried.  She could be heard saying, “No?” in an indecisive, up-talking, frightened mouse-like voice, if a mouse were a 1st grader testing the waters after his teacher asked him to push in his chair.  And even though that mouse had squeaked out his little no, he still pushed in his chair.

She never said no in the beginning, of course.  Who says no in the beginning of a relationship?  Why risk losing something so sweet?  There is nothing to say no to when you are in the throes of passion and red flags aren’t on your radar. Continue reading →

Mar 16

A Narcissism Litmus Test

woman's leather gloves“Hey, Sandy!  How are things?  I haven’t seen you in awhile.  Have you met Anne?  She’s our new backup bartender.  You’re going to like her.”

“Hello, Anne.  Nice to meet you.”  Sandy laughed and pointed at Hank.  “I bet you get a real education working with this guy.”

Anne shook Sandy’s hand and said, “You know, I’ve tended other bars, and thought I’d heard it all, but Hank definitely has some new stories.”

Hank laughed, “Who, me?  What can I get ya, Sandy?”

“I’m going to pretend that it’s warm enough for a gin and tonic.” Continue reading →

Feb 16

If You Know a Child of a Narcissist

child of a narcissistThere’s a good chance you know a child of a narcissist.

This post is written for you if your friend or loved-one or relative is suffering – or has suffered – at the hands of a narcissist.

Your heart aches for her.  You want to make things better for him.  You want to ease their pain, even if just for a moment.

You can’t make it all go away.  You can’t love them enough to make up for what their parent couldn’t or wouldn’t do.  You can’t swoop in and be the caretaker they have always longed for.

You can acknowledge their hurts.  You can listen and believe them when they explain who their parent was/is. Continue reading →

Jan 16

View From the High Road

high road“What’s the point of always taking the high road if nothing ever changes?  It gets old.  Why don’t we try the low road for a change?”

“I hear your frustration, bud.  It sucks.  I know it does.  It does get old.”

“Well, he never takes the high road.”

“Maybe you’re confused about what it means to take the high road.”

Will reached for his coffee and said, “If it doesn’t improve the situation, I don’t see the point.” Continue reading →

Dec 15

The INFJ and the Narcissist – Part 12

jade bowlAt this point, she’s an overwhelmed stay-at-home mom, an ineffectual facilitator for the kids and their father, a disappointing wife, and basically, a single parent.

While some women have a lengthy list of chores to greet them at the beginning of each new day, she had two lists – one of her chores, and one of her failures.  It’s hard to enthusiastically fold towels or chop vegies for stir-fry, all the while knowing she’d be criticized for both.  Certainly, the kids were a bigger priority than perfectly folded towels, but he didn’t see things that way.

She could handle his indifference toward her.  She was used to it.  By now, she was aware that she’d never perform well enough to meet his standards.  But it broke her heart to think he held their precious kids up to the same standards.

She noticed his growing disdain for the oldest child, and the way he patronized the youngest.  Was it all in her head?  Most days he treated his kids as if they were mere inconveniences.

  Continue reading →

Dec 15

Merry Christmas From Your Narcissistic Dad

merry christmas from your narcissistic dad“Dad, when do you want to get together for Christmas?  Does Christmas afternoon work for you?”

“Well, I’m leaving town Christmas morning.  I have that whole next week off.  I’m sure your brother just wants to do a quick visit where I bring presents and we only chat for an hour, but I’d like it to be a longer visit.  When are you coming to town.”

“We’ll be in town on Christmas Day and most of the week after.”

“That doesn’t work for me.”

  Continue reading →