
This isn’t coincidence, there’s no such thing.
Brandon Boyd




  1. True statement. It’s all creation.

    They have stopped calling them car “accidents” and instead call them car crashes. They have discovered that there is always a reason a crash happened – due to some error on the part of one of the drivers.

  2. Donna,

    Kind of like it wasn’t an accident/coincidence that Will woke at 3:00 a.m. vomiting.

    He’d gone to bed in a fit because he did not want to see his dad today.

    This a.m. I called is dad and said we’d have to reschedule.

    Coincidence? Or did the Universe provide Will with a handy (albeit, not so pleasant) excuse for dodging a visit with his dad.

  3. I learned at the Dynamic Living Process Seminar in my early 20s that there are only 4 reasons people get sick. I’ve adopted them as my belief system because they worked for me. They are:

    1- To Punish Yourself
    2- To Punish Someone Else
    3- To Get Out Of A Situation
    4- To Get Attention

    In Wills case this morning, I think it’s #3, and his body is trying to throw off all of the toxins that come up when he thinks about his ‘dad’.

    Sending healing angels.

  4. Donna,

    That’s just what I tried to tell Will when he was so sick. I told him his body was purging all the toxicity from the stress he felt at having to see his dad.

    I’m working with him on visualization. I want him to visualize incredible strength when he’s in a visit with his dad. It should work because I know he spends a lot of time visualizing ski jumping, skate boarding and golf swings. Although it’s a helluva lot more fun visualizing that stuff.

    Funny…. I’ve not been sick many times since leaving Mark’s house. And when I look back over the years, I see how taking ill falls into those four categories.

    You never fail to fascinate me with your knowledge.

  5. I have been slow to read the new post, but wanted to bring my last week into this picture. Since having surgery this last Monday, I now have another ‘thing’ that is wrong with me. Hashimoto disease.. I had begun to wonder if my body/soul is taking over and attacking myself in order to get some light on the problems. I can totally relate to the four areas that bring on sickness.. Will’s little body is showing him also…

  6. Annie,

    From the time on your comment, I can tell you aren’t getting the rest you need.

    I wish I knew of a way to help you quiet your mind a bit, so your body could heal.

    Donna, what have you got?

  7. OK, what I’m getting is that there is conflict (indicated because the thyroid is in the middle of the body). This conflict is creating inflammation (anger) which is screwing up your thyroid. I’m sure it’s because you want to say things but don’t feel you should (it’s in the throat and close to your voice box).

    One site says that meds will help, so you should keep up with them.

    But we know meds don’t heal the underlying cause. Here is a link to a great list of symptoms and underlying causes of disease. As a bonus, the site is pretty!

    Here is what it says about thyroid:

    Humiliation. Feeling repressed or put down. Feeling as if you never get to do what you want.

    Also, Louise Hay wrote a book called “Heal Your Body” in which she lists illnesses and the mental causations behind them, along with a healing affirmation.

    If your doctor says it’s ok, I would recommend drinking green tea (maybe decaf – lots of antioxidants) during the day and then a cup of chamomile before bed to help you sleep.

    Although it might seem like it, your body doesn’t attack you, but there are times when it might literally take the legs out from under you so it can rest. And every disease is a message to you, not a punishment.

    Believe me…I am speaking to myself here more than anyone else!

    Healing light to you Annie.

  8. Donna,

    In love with you, and the Universe, today.

    Thank you.

  9. Thank you so much, I have devoured that site…
    I can’t have green tea, (or any other tea) it messes with the Coumadin, teas have Vitamin K in them. The Vitamin K is a blood thickener, and I need the opposite. Blood clots, Factor V, Hashimoto disease, yep I think my body is telling me something… just glad I made it, to figure all of this out.
    Donna, thank you for your research!