Bringing Out the Best in Each Other

Bringing out the best in each other.The turning leaves are enhanced by the dusting of white on the river bank.  The leaves aren’t frosted in white, and the white bank isn’t covered with amber leaves.

The leaves and the snow bring out the beauty in each other.


She offers to fill my calendar along with her own, and laughs when I say, “We’ll take a rain check on that one.”

She never has a bad idea, and she has lots of them.  She keeps us from staying home too much.

I remind her that a busy calendar is balanced with quiet afternoons at home, no TV blaring and a selection of books to read and games to play.

We are complete opposites in many ways, but we bring out the best in each other.


He’ll say, “How come she’s such a detail person?  Why doesn’t she look at the forest once in awhile?”

She’ll say, “Why does he start a new project before he finishes the one he’s currently working on?  Why does he forget the details?”

He starts a sentence.  She finishes it.  He thinks she’s interrupting.  She thinks she’s helping.

He paints a big picture; she fills in the details.

At the end of the day, they bring out the best in each other.


A tablespoon of butter mellows the sweet, acidic tang of homemade marinara.  Marinara provides the backdrop for butter to perform its magic.

If too much butter is added to the simmering marinara, the tang of the homegrown tomatoes is over-shadowed.


The affection of a spoiled feline brings out the kindness and empathy in two rambunctious kids.  The attention of two smothering kids brings out the patience in a pampered cat.

If the kids don’t learn when enough is enough, the cat might rightly retaliate.


It takes the chemistry of both parts to create a finer big picture – even a masterpiece.  Both have something to add.  Both can over-power.

It’s in the interplay of the two, where magic is found.













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  1. Awww…how is my family out west? It looks like you’ve had some snow. It is a lovely photo.

    We are currently getting hit with wind gusts of 50 mph, and tomorrow 65 mph.

    Oops….I’m gonna play devil’s advocate right now. This thought just came to me, but if we didn’t have Ns in our lives, would we be as loving, compassionate, adorable, kind, helpful and so much more as we are because we had them in our lives?

    Just attribute it to being close to Halloween! :)~

    Loving you all!

  2. PS: It wouldn’t be a post from Donna if Donna didn’t forget something ….

    But I love the photo credit on the right side! Well done!

  3. YAY! Donna’s here!!!

    I love it when you chime in.

    Yes, you are right. As usual. We can appreciate those difficult relationships for helping us build the characters we turn in to.

    Love you, too.

  4. Donna,

    It’s always good to give credit when it’s due, even if we credit the narcissists. ;)

    Thank you.

    p.s. I love seeing you here.