“your heart didn’t heal straight the last time it broke.
So we’ll break it again and reset it so it heals straight this time.” – Jane Yolen
*Maybe if we looked at it this way,
a broken heart wouldn’t seem insurmountable.
Tags: a girl can dream, divorce, life, love, marriage, survive
Dear survivors and well-wishers,
I do not have a broken heart.
I have a full, happy heart. ;)
I posted this quote for those who hesitate to get back out there.
Trust me.
Get out there.
Well said!
Amen Jesse!!
I love the posts you write. They always make me stop and think and reflect on where I am and where I have been.
We keep living by loving, learning, and giving. I pray I am wiser about how I give and love now–but I definitely will not allow my life with my ex-N to keep me from loving, giving, and LIVING!
I am wishing a cup that overflows with joy and love!
Warm hugs,
I wish the same kind of cup for you and yours.
Here’s to continued loving, learning and giving.