Eclipse Through the Sumacs

eclipse through the sumacsI hadn’t set the alarm.  There’s no need for an alarm for the important stuff.

With a cranberry red throw draped around my shoulders, I unlocked the front door.  Nina comes quick whenever she hears the locks on the door.  She didn’t look up at me for permission before darting out.   I walked to the corner of the yard and saw the beginnings of the eclipse.

Should I wake them?


I tip-toed into Will’s room and whispered, “Will, the eclipse has started.”


I walked down the hall and whispered again, “Jen, the eclipse.  It started.”

Jen rubbed her eyes and reached for a blanket.  I wrapped her shoulders as she found her sandals.

I made another pass by Will’s room.  “Honey, Jen and I will be out on the sidewalk.  Join us if you want.”



Jen and I stood under the moon as Nina circled our ankles.  Three females, faces tilted to the heavens, were surrounded by silence and the immensity of a night sky that held only a smattering of clouds that were too frightened to spoil the show.

I pulled my throw around to encompass Jen.

“Mom, how come no one else is out here?”  I looked behind me and up the block.  Jen looked up the hill.  In our corner of the world, we were the only souls witnessing the eclipse.

“I dunno, but aren’t we lucky?”


Nina began her feline dance of running here and there, sniffing, sneaking and darting.  Jen and I stifled giggles as we watched her.

“Jen, do you think the moon recharges her batteries?”

“She better re-charge quick before the whole moon vanishes.”


Nina finished her dance a few yards ahead of us, and stopped to stare.  All three heads were raised to the moon to watch the disappearance.

“Should we head back in?  Do you think Nina will follow?”

As were turned to walk toward the door, Nina ran ahead of us to show us the way.  She knew the show was over and it was time to snuggle back in bed.


This morning I reminded Will that Jen and I had stood on the sidewalk with Nina as we watched the eclipse.


“You mean you don’t remember my coming into your room?”

“You did?”

“Twice.  Sorry I didn’t try harder.  There will be another.”

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  1. On the other side of town, Dave was watching it too.

  2. Pat,

    I like knowing that.