Lack of Empathy

Jun 11

The Filing Cabinet

filing-basket1She’d had the filing cabinet since college, or maybe even high school. It was a bland almond color and it leaned to the right under the weight of all the files. It was a struggle to open the drawers. When she did, the drawer scraped against the metal sides of the cabinet, opening to reveal a mess of papers, their crumpled corners poking out of worn manila file folders.

There was no real organization to the drawers.

She had categorically filed in the beginning, but the sheer number of papers now prevented an orderly system. The drawers of the two-drawer cabinet could not hold any more folders. She was considering buying a larger cabinet.

Each filed note or paper represented a hurt, a slight, or a rude comment. She hadn’t filed based on intent. There wasn’t a drawer for intended hurts or a second drawer for accidental digs.

On rainy days, when the kids were busy playing, she’d go into her bedroom and slowly open a drawer. For some reason, she couldn’t resist re-visiting the hurtful comments written on the worn pages. Continue reading →

May 11

The Making of a Passive-Aggressive

you-bore-me“Dad’s here!”  Instead of heading to the door to greet him, she ran to her bedroom to change her shirt.  As he walked into the living room, she came walking in from the hallway wearing a hand-me-down t-shirt.  She smiled up at Mark, and said, “Hi, Daddy!”

I don’t think he noticed her shirt.  If he did, he didn’t say anything.  If he did, he certainly wouldn’t have thought it applied to him.

After he left, I asked her why she’d decided to wear that shirt.  She stretched the shirt out in front of her so I could read it better.  She looked up at me and grinned.  She didn’t say anything.  She didn’t need to.

I didn’t discuss the appropriateness or inappropriateness of her choice.

______ Continue reading →

May 11

On Antiperspirant and Aha Moments

dandelionsShe’d just walked in the back door from checking on the neighbor’s dog.  Time to start baking treats for the church banquet and making calls to beg for donations for the school fundraiser,  in between loads of laundry.  She had the T.V. on for background noise, even though she didn’t have time to watch anything.

Her Aha Moment was delivered by the Power of Oprah, as so many Aha Moments are, these days.

She paused long enough to lean against the kitchen counter, a spatula in one hand, cell phone in the other.  She ignored the sound of the dryer buzzer while she let Oprah’s message sink in.

She would be turning 50 soon, and she finally realized that she’d spent her entire life in a flurry of activity trying to please, make nice, and earn love, all because she never really felt love coming from her mom.

After taking the clothes out of the drying, and de-panning the rest of the chocolate chip cookies, she sent me an email. Continue reading →

Apr 11

I Hate Holidays

easter-eggAs I walked through Target looking for something to get the kids for Easter, I passed the poofy, over-the-top Easter Dresses.  I remember getting a couple Easter Dresses for Jenny.

She didn’t wear them to church.

She wore them in the garden while digging for worms.

She didn’t really need an Easter Dress.  I needed to be able to buy her one.  I needed to be able to take a picture of my little girl in a frilly, crinoline-stuffed, white dress, with a pink satin ribbon tied at her tiny waist.

That dress and the picture were on my list – the long, guilt-driven, impossible-to-achieve list of All Things Moms Do. Continue reading →

Mar 11

Ships Have Only One Rudder

Will is a compassionate fellow with a tender, sensitive side and a fearless streak that makes him charge down ski hills at a speed that launches him into powder and shrubs and stuff that he can’t see.  Occasionally he checks out the landing before he jumps, but not always.

He’s like a lot of twelve year old boys  in that he’s fascinated with the unknown, the risky, the adventurous and the slightly scary.  Kids thrive within the safety of boundaries – set rules of behavior, established bed times, and defined expectations.  That’s why they find it exciting to step just beyond those boundaries once in awhile.  It’s thrilling to tempt fate, stay up late, skip school one day or ski out of bounds and brag to your friends.

When a child has a parent who doesn’t stand firm on boundaries, that child will have a tendency to feel untethered.  There will be a need to talk about boundaries.  He’ll have to ask and be reassured that the boundaries haven’t changed.  That kid’s foundation is tilted.  They don’t have a secure knowledge that they truly know where the lines are drawn.

It’s okay to discuss the latest slasher film on the chairlift with a buddy, when at the end of the day, that kid goes home with a parent who reassures him that he is safe and protected, and that the doors are locked and the bad guys can’t get him.

It is not okay to have your dad tell horror stories in the car as the day comes to a close on the way home, only to drop you off and say, “Hey, Buddy, I’ll tell you more scary stories next time.” Continue reading →

Mar 11

“Honey, Your Dad Lacks Empathy”

“Oh, sweetie!  You should have seen the darling little eight year old girl who wanted to dance with me at the meeting.  She had long curly blond hair, and a big beautiful smile.  I know her parents.  She came up to me, jumped in my lap and asked me to dance with her.  She was a really good dancer, too.”  Mark could hardly contain himself when telling Jenny of the story of the little girl who fell in love with him.

He quickly switched gears and said, “Jenny, honey, we’re getting ready to go.  Shouldn’t you find socks that match?  Let’s go look in your dresser drawer to see if we can find two socks that match.”

“Daddy, you told me to hurry, so I just grabbed the first two socks I saw.  I’m wearing boots, Daddy.  No one will see that my socks don’t match.”

“Isn’t that funny that you wear mismatched socks.  Did you brush your hair today?”

“Yes, Daddy, I just brushed it.” Continue reading →

Mar 11

The Fire Tender

The leather gloves next to the stove, and the fire within, are the only indications of steady use.  The wood stove is free of ashes, spent embers, bits of bark and any other signs of use, yet the fire roars continuously.  The glass door is spotless as if he replaced it yesterday after he’d slammed the door too hard in a fit of anger and frustration.

It’s a difficult job keeping the fire stoked in an effort to heat the whole house and make sure his family sleeps warm in their beds.  The house does not have a furnace.

As he sits in the broken rocking chair – the Throne of The Fire Tender – he contemplates the turns his life has taken.  He ticks off the series of choices  that led to his current position.  Every winter night that he spends tending the fire, he has an opportunity to re-evaluate the decisions he made.

He validates some choices while picking apart others.

The list never changes. Continue reading →

Feb 11

Narcissism and Kindness

Nobody can  be  kinder  than  the  narcissist  while  you react to life in his own terms.
Elizabeth Bowen

Feb 11

Narcissism Knows No Bounds

Jenny selected the shiny brown bowl circled by a ring of cobalt blue.  She hoped I would love it, and I did.   She was excited to give the bowl to me as a gift.  The ceramic bowl is the perfect size for almonds or pretzels.

Her older brother makes some unusual pieces, and when he has a bunch of new bowls fired, we get to pick whatever he hasn’t set aside for others.


Two days ago, Mark and Will came home from skiing.  They told us of the adventures of the day, the trees they narrowly missed, the jumps they landed perfectly, and the ones they didn’t land so well.  They made plans for the next skiing adventure and Mark headed for the door.

With his hand on the doorknob, Mark turned to me and said, “Hey Jess, you know that bowl that Jenny gave you – the brown with the blue stripe?  Can I have it?  I have a set of three and it matches my set.  I know Jenny gave it to you as a gift, but I wondered if you’d mind trading that for a different piece so I could have a matching set of four bowls.” Continue reading →

Jan 11

The Proof is in the Fritos

Late Monday afternoon I had the opportunity to enjoy a guilty pleasure.  My kids were gone.  I got a break from being a role model.  I sat at the table in front of my laptop reading blog posts, while dipping Fritos in chili.

It was a little slice of heaven.

Yes, that is a big deal for me.


I can’t eat when I’m nervous. Continue reading →

Dec 10

Dear Dad

I’m not mad at you any more.  I’m guessing that you didn’t realize I was mad at you.

I’ve been mad at you for a real long time.

I wasn’t mad when you and mom got a divorce.  I was mad after the divorce, when you never came around.  I was mad when you said you’d come by, and you didn’t.  I was mad at you for finding things to do with my brother, but not being able to find things to do with me.

It hurt my feelings when you couldn’t think of anything to talk with me about, or when you couldn’t make an effort at being interested in my life.

You never told me I was pretty or smart or capable or funny.  Now I am insecure and lacking in self-confidence.

I was mad at you for expecting me to be the one to call.  I had  to be the one to create a relationship with you.   When I dropped the ball on our  relationship, and quit trying, you never picked it back up.  You were content to just let things slide. Continue reading →

Nov 10

Rescuing Her Heart

the-wooden-boxShe pinned the boutonniere to her grandfather’s lapel and walked him out to the backyard.  His seat was in the front row of chairs under the canopy.  It wasn’t the kind of wedding where the guests or groom weren’t allowed to see the bride before the ceremony.  In fact, the bride had been scurrying around taking care of last minute details while dressed in the batiste gown she’d made and embroidered.

This had to be a cost-effective wedding, or there would be no wedding at all.

The groom hadn’t actually proposed to the bride.  Years later, when learning about narcissism, she would read that narcissists rarely propose.  It was beneath them.


They had lived together for about a year, bought a home and settled into a comfortable lifestyle.  Getting married was a default move.  It made sense.  It was expected.  She assumed they’d marry one day.  He didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about getting married.  When she pressed, he usually said something like, “Well… I’m fine with it all as long as it isn’t a big production, doesn’t cost me a lot, or interrupt my work schedule. Continue reading →

Nov 10

The Three of Us

4-rocksThere’s a post rolling around in my head.  I keep trying to avoid it.   It’s going to make me write it.  It’s about why I believe divorce is the only way to survive a relationship with a narcissist.

I’m going to have to dig a little deeper.

That post is going to require a lot from me.

In the meantime, Jenny drew these faces on rocks.

They made me smile.  They made me think about the three of us, and how there used to be four of us.




Now there are three with – brighter smiles, intact spirits and happier souls.


Nov 10


As I was sitting down to write a new post, I discovered this article by Lisa E. Scott on her site,

The “Crazy-Making” Behavior of a Narcissist.

I identified with everything in Lisa’s article.  She also mentions the term, gaslight.  I had to Google some more.  I had heard the term, but never paid attention.  I didn’t know it applied to me.

I found this article by Robin Stern, Ph.D.:

What is Gaslighting?



I had today’s post composed in my head before I had discovered the gaslighting stuff.  I even had the appropriate pictures selected.  I was ready to hit publish.  The post was about how I’m tempted to believe that Mark is changing.  I was going to write that I’ve been thinking I really managed to get through to him.  I was even wondering if Narcissists are capable of seeing who and what they are, and that their behaviors have a detrimental effect on their families.


You’d think I’d know better by now.


Last night he came over to discuss Christmas gift ideas with the kids.

He left and Jenny broke into tears.

I was present for all the conversations.  I heard the veiled put downs, and the not-so-subtle dismissals of the dolls Jenny wants, and the ski pants Will wants.  I heard his jovial-sounding sarcastic jabs.  In his sing-song voice he said, “Well Honey Bear, I thought you wanted a baby doll carriage.  You mean you still like Barbies, too?  You still like babies and Barbies?”

“So Will, do you think these ski pants would be cool enough for you?”

These are pokes and prods.  These are smarmy little attempts at sounding like an interested dad, but really they show how little he knows them, and how little he cares.


This morning’s discovery of gaslighting was another whisper from the Universe.  This time she said, “Hon, don’t be fooled.  Don’t believe, for one second, that a Narcissist is capable of changing. It will never be about the kids. It will always be about him.  Check out this post on gaslighting.  It applies to you, Sweetie, and your kids, too.”


At least she’s still whispering. I half expect her to come at me next time with a 2 x 4.


Nov 10

Mom, It’s Like This…

“You know when you’re standing in line at the grocery store and the customer in front of you is talking to the cashier?  You know how the cashier sort of smiles, keeps working, and tries to answer the customer’s question, but really they just want to get through with that customer, and get on to the next, and be done working for the day?

You know how the cashier seems like she doesn’t really care about what the customer is talking about?



That’s what it’s like when I’m talking to dad.”