Posts Tagged: all about me

Feb 10

Narcissism and Lack of Awareness

lampI am writing at the purple table.  I reach for a sip of coffee and kick the cat.

I did not kick her on purpose.

I’ve already mentioned that we live with the world’s most patient cat.  She is affectionate and loving, and she likes my ankles.

I sit at the table, right leg crossed over left, writing, answering questions, breaking up fights, sipping coffee, and writing some more.  Invariably, I have to get up to fix or get or find something, and when I do, I pick up my right leg.  When I lift my leg to get off the chair, my foot comes up and kicks Nina.

I usually catch her in the ribs. Continue reading →

Feb 10

Nighttime and the Narcissist

Who thinks of you at night?  Who thinks of you as they turn out the light?  Who sends up a little prayer for you, or gives thanks that you are in their life?

Last night, on my way to bed, I checked on Will and Jenny.  I do every night.  Seems I can’t go to sleep unless I check on them first.  It probably isn’t necessary.  I tuck them in every night.  But I have to see them before I go off to bed.  I remember one night several years ago, I was preoccupied, went to bed, read a bit, turned out the light, and settled in.  I was just hitting that sweet spot between wakefulness and snooze, when I bolted upright and realized I hadn’t checked on them.  I jumped out of bed to make sure that they were snuggled safely in their beds.  Every now and then, Will asks me if I still check on them before I go to bed.  I’m not sure I could go to sleep without first checking on them.

I don’t think it is too much to expect that a spouse or partner might think of you before he closes his day.  Of course, we are busy and exhausted.  There are so many distractions.  There is the need to just unwind and not have to fulfill anymore obligations.  But at the end of the day, can’t we make time for this person who shares a life with us — struggles and all?  Can we share a warm glance that says, “I’m glad you’re here, even if I’m too damn tired to do anything about it?”

I can guess what ran through Mark’s head when I was still living in his house.  It was probably a lot like this:

“Damn, when is that woman going to figure out how to fix pork chops the way I like ’em?  I wish she’d leave me alone with the remote.  God, I hope she tucks the kids in, it’s her job anyway.  I wonder if she remembered to take the garbage out?  Shouldn’t those toys be picked up by now?  I wonder if I have clean socks for tomorrow?  Do I have to sit through one more story about the kids?  Wonder if I’ll get any tonight?” Continue reading →

Feb 10

The Proper Care and Feeding of Your Narcissist

Eight years ago on Super Bowl Sunday, I was two months pregnant with Jenny.  I had round-the-clock morning sickness.  To this day, I tell Jenny that she was worth every trip to the bathroom.

One of my favorite pictures is a shot of me, looking awful from the morning all-day sickness, holding a gallon-sized container of Atomic Fireballs.  There’s something about the hot spicy jawbreakers that kept the sickness at bay.  They were an absolute lifesaver.  I had an Atomic Fireball in my mouth for 7 months.

Poor Will was going on four years old.  He got used to me hanging out in the bathroom.  In fact, after Jenny was born, I was doing something, let out a cough, and I heard Will say, “Mommy, are you throwing up again?”

Anyway, we had been invited to a Super Bowl Party.  I was sitting in a chair, trying to summon up the strength to put on my shoes.  I did not want to go to the party, but I didn’t want to disappoint Mark and Will.  I looked at Mark and said, “I’m so sorry, but I just can’t go.  I feel like all I’ve been doing is trying to simply exist.”  He looked at me, let out a sigh of frustration and said, “Well, that is all you’ve been doing.”

__________ Continue reading →

Feb 10

When Narcissists Win Grammys

We watched the Grammys last night.  The Grammys might also be called, “The Music World’s Parade of Narcissists“.  We watched to see the artists we like, but as the spectacle continued, we became annoyed by the display of glitz and the embarrassing acceptance speeches.  The extravaganza took on all the fascination of a train wreck.  We felt compelled to watch to see which Narcissist would attempt to out-do the other Narcissists.

It was painful, hilarious, disgusting, and not in the least entertaining.  Just what do the Grammys have to do with music?

At the risk of sounding like I’m channeling my grandma when she watched the debut of the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show, I have to wonder, what do baggy pants have to do with entertainment?  The station had to block the sound on half of the lyrics “sung” by Eminem and his bad-ass buddies.  Is this music worthy of any awards?

At one point Jenny said, “Why don’t they wear regular clothes, stop acting so weird, and just sing?”  Will noticed that the audience wasn’t clapping very enthusiastically, and said, “I think they’re only clapping to be polite.”  What part of the Elton John/ Lady Gaga spectacle was entertaining?  Maybe it was a fine display of marketing and packaging in an attempt to sell more CDs, but I’m not rushing out to buy anything based on what I saw, and I like Elton John.

Check out the lyrics for the Black Eyed Peas’, ‘Imma Be’.  The only line missing is, “Imma Be a Narcissist.” Continue reading →

Jan 10

The Blogger as Narcissist

Maybe I’m the Narcissist?

I’m the one writing this blog.

Could be I’m every bit as narcissistic as my wasband.

That thought used to keep me awake at night.

I’ve taken the tests.  I’ve read the books.  It’s not lost on me that with as much time as I spend writing and thinking about my life, I could be every bit as narcissistic as he is.  Add to that the fact that I’m putting this all out there for the world to see.  But I have enough experience in, and knowledge about, NPD to know that I’m not the narcissist.

I sleep well.

Writing this blog has been the best thing to happen to me in a long time.   I started out venting, spewing, rationalizing and explaining.  Now I see that writing this blog has been instrumental in helping me move on.  There are fewer days when I wallow in the “poor me”; and a lot more days when I marvel at how far the three of us have come. Continue reading →

Jan 10

The Insidiousness of Narcissism

I’m tired tonight.  I’m that kind of tired where I tell myself, “It’s okay if you go to bed without brushing your teeth.  No one will know.  You never do that.”  Except — I remember telling myself that one night last week, too.

Mark was here for a visit this afternoon.  It drains the energy out of all three of us.  After he leaves, we snip at each other.  We lose patience with each other.  We all know that it happens, and yet we have to tell each other to calm down.

On the second day of this new year, I had what I hoped would be a potentially relationship-changing conversation with Mark.

Okay, so I thought I’d had these with him in the past, but this was different.  We were going to start the New Year off on the right foot.

The kids had ended a “Goodnight Call” with Mark, and after hanging up, they both started crying. Continue reading →

Jan 10

When Narcissists Cave

Peanut is home.  Peanut is a Shetland Pony-sized mechanical horse that Santa brought for Jenny two Christmases ago.  Santa should have known better than to deliver Peanut  to Mark’s house.

You see, Mark has held Peanut hostage for two years.  That’s one third of Jenny’s life.  Mark actually told Jenny that he was not going to let her take the pony home to our house so as to guarantee regular visits at his house.

One of the greatest joys of parenting is watching your child get so excited over receiving a gift that they have been wanting so badly.   That’s one of the few ways you can actually get close to re-living that excitement you felt as a child.  It’s your chance to revisit that total elation over getting the gift that you hoped and dreamed for.  Imagine watching that joy and elation on your beautiful little girl’s face.

Then imagine telling her that she can’t take her precious pony home.

It’s pretty difficult to remain self-centered once you have kids.  You don’t even miss those self-absorbed days.  Your focus is first on making sure they survive.  Then you are wrapped up in the fun, the adventure, the craziness, the chaos and the bliss of watching these blessings turn into people. Continue reading →

Dec 09

The Height of Narcissism

A few days before Christmas, my kids received a letter from Santa Claus.  I told you they were special.  Actually, for about the last three years, Mark has been penning a letter, printing it in a flowery script, placing it in a manila envelope with a return address of “Office of Santa Claus, North Pole”, and leaving it at our door.  The letters always talk about what is currently going on in their lives, like the fact that Will is into golf and Jenny is growing her bangs out.  I think Mark is capitalizing on the “Santa watches everything” line, and he’s letting the kids know just what it is that Santa sees.  Mark does not keep in mind the fact that kids are very perceptive.   And he hasn’t factored in the inevitable conversations and reactions at school, when our kids ask other kids about their letters from Santa.  Oops.

The night of the letter delivery, when Mark made his “goodnight” call, he asked to talk to me.  When I got on the phone he said, “Hey, did the kids get a letter from Santa?”  I said that they had gotten it.  And there was a long pause.  Mark said, “Well, they didn’t mention anything.”  Another pause …     Finally I said, “Ah, Mark…  If I ask them about the letter right now, they will know that you had something to do with it.”  “Oh, yes.  Well, I just wanted to know if they got it and if they liked it.”

Will is 11 and he still believes.  At least it sure seems like it.  Could be that he’s faking it because he’s already discovered that fantasy is better than reality.  He did ask a bunch of questions about this year’s letter.  “Do all kids get letters?  How does Santa have time to write all those letters?  If all kids don’t get letters, why do we get ’em?”

The three of us were excited this year because Mark had made plans to be out of town for Christmas.  Then, on the night of Christmas Eve, he asked when he could see the kids on Christmas Day.  That sent us into a tailspin.  Of course, in typical Narcissist fashion, he denied ever having made plans to be out of town.  He said that he’d been asking the kids (all along) when they could come over.  When I got off the phone, I asked them if their dad had attempted to make plans for Christmas Day.  They denied ever having been asked.  Then they asked if I was mad at them.  Then we tried to re-create phone conversations with Mark.  And once again, the three of us realized that we were caught up in his lies and contradictions.  We got our bearings, set up a time for the kids to see him, and proceeded to grin and bear it.

On Christmas Day, after opening the gifts that Santa left at Mark’s house, Will gave me a call.  He had an urgent question.  “Mom?  Did you talk to Santa on the phone this year?”  I emphatically said, “No!  Pal, he’s way too busy to be talking to every body’s parents this time of year.”  Then Will says, “Well I was just checking.” Continue reading →

Dec 09

Narcissist Quotes


You cannot make this stuff up.

Only Survivors know how true these quotes are.


Thank you for sharing!



  • “I got myself a new pair of running shoes.  Here — you can have my old ones.”
  • After telling him that I had made an appointment with an Ob/Gyn to discover if I may have fibroids or something more serious, he chimes in with, “Can’t they check your knees while they’re at it?”
  • Continue reading →

Dec 09

I’ll Take The Fingernails

“Are you kidding?  That’s for me?  You guys made that for me?  Were you thinking about me when you made that?  Can I have it?  Can I keep it?  Can I hang it in my house?  Won’t it look so nice in my house?  I can’t believe you guys made that for me!  You guys were thinking about me!  That’s so cool!  That’s really for me, right?”

Would you guess that Mark had been presented with the most exquisite gift ever given?  Maybe an original painting?  Maybe a handmade quilt?  Maybe a one-of-a-kind piece of pottery?  Maybe the Hope Diamond?  Guess again.  The kids gave him a few evergreen branches tied together with a Christmas ribbon.  Will says, “Ah, yea, Dad.  You can go ahead and hang that on your house.”  Then Will turns to look at me with this expression on his face that says, “Get me outta here!”

Those exclamations are the sounds of feigned interest.  That is the sound of a person faking enthusiasm for something they think they are supposed to get excited about.  That is what it sounds like when you pretend to be interested in something your kids have done.  Can you imagine having to pretend to be interested?  Can you imagine not thinking that everything they create is some kind of gift, or an indication that they are destined for a life of greatness?

We’ve heard that a lot.  Usually those exclamations are followed by short statements that tell the artist how they came up short in their execution.  “Jenny!  That’s the most amazing drawing of the Loch Ness Monster that I’ve ever seen.  But I don’t think he has purple spots.”  “Will, I love the story you wrote.  But, Buddy, you should really stick with painting.”

Narcissists don’t react to situations the way most people do.  Most people try to appropriately match their reaction to the situation.  Actually, I don’t think most people have to try to do that.  Okay, maybe we have to work at it a bit, when we’re reacting to something coming from someone we don’t know well.  But with our family, or people we know well, it shouldn’t be fabricated.   It comes naturally for most of us to find the right measure of enthusiasm for any given circumstance.  Narcissists don’t have that ability.  Maybe it has something to do with their lack of empathy.  Perhaps they have to fake all emotions when they are reacting to something that they haven’t created. Continue reading →

Nov 09

A Great Marriage

A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together.  It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.
David Meurer

Nov 09

Narcissists and Friendship

A very dear friend called this weekend.  We’ve known each other since college.  She’s one of those special friends that, although we may not get to visit as much as I’d like, when we do talk, we pick up right where we left off.  She’d been reading my blog and thought maybe I needed a call.  I didn’t realize I was sending out an S.O.S.  That’s a beautiful thing about good friends, they often know you better than you know yourself.  They can tell when you are feeling vulnerable, they can appreciate your successes, they know your different phases.  They can tell you to quit taking yourself so seriously, just as you can do that for them.

When I was first dating Mark, I was curious about the fact that he didn’t have any friends.  Actually, there was one guy that he would do a few things with, but he was kind of an odd duck.  He didn’t have any friends, either.  I just assumed that Mark poured himself into his business, and he didn’t have any time to cultivate friendships.  Funny how you can so easily turn a negative into a positive when you are in a new relationship.  Then, when Mark and I had been married for awhile, I would think to myself, “Well, I guess he just prefers to spend his time with me when he’s not working.”

I would have killed to be a hunting widow or a golf widow.  Every healthy relationship needs those spaces where you go away, get a new perspective, and come back to look at your partner with fresh eyes.  You don’t need to go away for a long time.  Maybe you need an afternoon break, or a weekend break.  Never having a break from your partner is like never changing the sheets on your bed.  They can get pretty stale and smelly.

Several years into our marriage, Mark would rant about how I prevented him from going on his mountain adventures.  He felt tied down and never got to take off like he did before we were married.  I had heard the stories of his adventures.  In most cases, he was by himself.  I think he was angry with himself for not wanting to go by himself any more, and so he directed the anger at me.

Narcissists are lousy at friendship.  They aren’t interested in carrying on a conversation unless the talk is all about them.  And they sure aren’t going to spend any time worrying about someone else’s issues, feelings or concerns.  A close friend of ours was going through a divorce.  I had invited her for dinner.  I wanted her to know that she had our support while she went through a difficult time.  We shared some beers on the front deck, and we just let her vent.  That’s what friends do.  At one point, Mark got out of his lawn chair and headed into the house.  I thought he was getting something to drink.  He didn’t come back.  He didn’t come back for dinner, either.  I made some excuse for our friend, saying something like, “Oh, Mark hasn’t been feeling well.”  I had seen him do this before — get up from the dinner table, or simply leave a room in the middle of a conversation.  His rudeness astounded me.  After the friend had gone home, I asked what had happened to him.  He simply said, “I was bored with the conversation and wasn’t interested in sticking around for any more.”  That is precisely why he’d find himself alone on his mountain trips.

Nov 09

Don’t Be Fooled By The Narcissist

I just came back from a weekend away.  It was just four nights, but it required a lot of preparation to make it possible for me to go.  I won’t say that I had to move heaven and earth, but I pretty much had to shift the continental U.S. to make it happen.  I probably would most likely have more options for child care if I didn’t have a problem with imposing on others.  Accommodators don’t like to impose.  That is against our very nature.  Add to that the fact that if I’m going away on a little holiday, I can’t enjoy myself if I think my kids are going to be miserable.  So, I do bend over backwards to make sure all parties will be relatively happy if I should get the chance to go.


It is not an option for Will and Jenny to stay at their father’s house.  They don’t even stay for over-nighters.  Eight months ago I took a trip, arranged for the kids to spend part of the time at their father’s, part with an aunt, and part with grandma.  Mark could not, or would not, clear his schedule for the entire length of my trip.  And it is exhausting for grandma to handle the lifestyle adjustment for the entire trip.  I had to get creative.  (See what I mean?)

When I returned from my trip, Jenny told me that she wasn’t comfortable spending the night at her dad’s anymore.  Will agreed that he wasn’t comfortable staying at Mark’s either.  It seems there was an “incident” that made Jenny confused and uncomfortable and she asked me to not make her stay there anymore.  I discussed “the incident” with Mark, and of course he denied everything.  I had no choice but to trust Jenny.  It is my job to protect her.  I made the decision to allow the kids to see their father only when I would be present.  There would be no over-nighters — ever.

___________ Continue reading →

Nov 09

Trick or Treat

We survived another Halloween.  They might be a little less scary now that we aren’t living with the narcissist anymore.  He called yesterday afternoon to ask if he was invited to take the kids Trick or Treating.  I was confused, “I thought I heard them invite you last night?”  He lets out a dramatic sigh and says, “Well, yes, but I didn’t know if something might have changed by today.”  Apparently he needs to be invited to be a parent.

The kids had overheard my phone conversation with him.  They asked what it was about.  I explained that their dad wondered if he was still invited to take them Trick or Treating.  Will laughed and said, “Oh, he’s doing that thing where he wants us to beg him to come over.”  Jenny said, “No, actually, he doesn’t really want to go at all, so he’s seeing if we’ve changed our minds.”  They are both correct, to a certain degree.  They definitely have him pegged.

Then, when he had completed his 20 minute stint with the kids, he asked if they wanted to do anything on Sunday.  Will excitedly told him that we’d be eating junk food and watching the Packers beat the Vikings.  Mark was never much into watching football.  I think he’s a little miffed that the kids and I are getting into it.

Today, he called 10 minutes before the game was supposed to start.  He talked to Jenny, because Will was busy, and his message was, “I’m just letting you both know that I am available to talk on the phone, or to come over and hang out.”  And that was it.  Clearly, he is letting them know that he expects them to call and beg him to come over.  He wants to see if he can actually trump the football game.  He wants to see if they like being with him so much, that they’ll gladly change any plans that they’ve made with me.  While it may sound like he wants to see/be with the kids, he really just wants them to want to be with him.  When he gets over here, he is not at all interested in how they are or what they have going on in their lives.  And when they don’t initiate anything with him, we don’t hear from him for days.

And here’s what I do …  I spend the rest of the afternoon reminding them that they may want to call their dad.  Old habits die hard.  I am so conditioned to try and foster this relationship between my kids and their dad.  It’s like breathing.  I used to say, “Don’t forget to call your dad.  Your dad would appreciate a phone call tonight.  Do you want to see if your dad would like to come over?”  I am setting them up for the same kind of relationship that I had with my dad, and then with Mark.  Those relationships were totally driven by me.  They were not reciprocal.  They were one-sided.  When I dropped the ball with my dad, the relationship was over.  When I decided to leave Mark, he didn’t come after me and say, “Hey, I’ll try harder.  Let’s make this work.”  Do I want that for my kids?  I continue to foster this “relationship” because I don’t want my kids to some day say to me, “Why did you keep us from seeing our dad?  Why couldn’t we see him whenever we wanted?” Continue reading →

Oct 09

Can You Connect With A Narcissist?

My brother has big, chocolate brown eyes.  When he is conversing with you, his eyes are focused on you and nothing else.  His gaze is warm and welcoming.  He doesn’t make you feel like you are being interrogated, he makes you feel comfortable and accepted.  My sister-in-law laughs when she talks of how my brother knows everyone in their neighborhood, their dogs’ names, and who might be ready for a pick-up game of racquetball.  He can be intense — in a good way.  You get the feeling that he is interested in what you have to say, and he wants to know more.

I get energized from connecting with people.

(I admit that connecting with others is a way for my hole to get filled.  I know… I’m supposed to do that from within.)

My kids and I will be looking for something at Target, and I’ll ask a clerk for help.  Invariably, while she’s leading us to the widget that I can’t find, she’ll tell us about the time that she bought the same widget; how her husband thought she was crazy, but that it did exactly what the product was supposed to do; how her mother-in-law bought the same thing, and now the whole family swears by this widget; and on and on …

I can’t get out of a store without hearing the makings of a life story. Continue reading →