Posts Tagged: in search of self

Jan 15

Confessions of An Ex-Facilitator

ski trailsWill thought if we left a little later, the timing would be off and we wouldn’t run into him, but when we pulled into the parking lot, we saw him getting out of his car.


In my optimistic, nothing-will-ruin-our-day voice I said, “It’s okay.  He knew we were going to be here.  He knows we don’t get to do a mid-week escape very often.  He hasn’t asked to ski with us.  This will all work out.  Trust me.”

Will said, “I just wanna ski with you two today.  We never get to ski just the three of us.”

I lifted a pair of skis to my shoulder and said, “It’ll work out.” Continue reading →

Dec 14

House with a View

house with a view“I want a house with a view.”

“Yeah, a view is a great thing.”  The bartender dried a rocks glass and placed it on the shelf.  “Tell me, how does a house with a view improve your life?”

“I dunno about other folks, but I’ve got a friend who has a nice place on a hill, and every time I go there, I’m energized.”

“What energizes you?  The view?  The height above everyone else?  The size of the place or his giant TV?”

He picks up the beer bottle in front of him and sets it back down before taking a drink, “I’m not sure.  It’s not a fancy place.  Sure the view is amazing, but it’s something else.  I can’t put my finger on it.” Continue reading →

Oct 14

Do As I Say

a cat and a blanketDo as I say, not as I do.


I tell them to examine how they feel when they are with someone.  If the energy feels good, pursue that relationship.  If you feel icky or drained, re-think whether you want to spend time with that person.

They see me foster relationships that leave me depleted.

  Continue reading →

Sep 14

Self-Awareness Isn’t About You

jelly something-er-other“Hey, what are you doing on this side of the bar?”

“I just finished my shift.”  The bartender closed his composition notebook and reached for his glass.  “How are you?”

She sits on the next stool, “I’m well.  I’ve got about an hour before picking up the kids.”  She smiled across the bar to the next shift’s bartender, “I’ll have a coke, please.”  After finding her wallet she said, “So, Hank, what are you writing?”

Hank hesitated, “I’m working on a paper about self-awareness.” He slid the notebook to the side.  “There’s a fine line between self-awareness and self-absorption.  I want to illustrate that self-awareness – contrary to what most folks think – isn’t really about you.  Maybe I should say that it shouldn’t be about you.”

“I’m not sure I get where you’re going.” Continue reading →

Aug 14

On the Meaning of Life and Other Vague Notions

creek fishin'“What’s the point?”

“The point of what?”

“You know…  the point…. the meaning of life.  Why are we here?”

Margaret laughed as she tied on a crisp new apron.  “Well, it’s a bit of a moot point now, isn’t it?  Besides, I’m not sure we’re supposed to know the point, Gladys, dear.  I was always too busy wiping noses, folding laundry, preparing meals and helping with homework to have even a moment to myself, let alone any spare time to think about the meaning of life.  What do you think, Basil?”

“I don’t know either, Margaret.”  Basil reached for his ever-present thermos of coffee.  “For a long time I thought it was finding a decent job and then I figured it must be supporting my family, raising decent kids and being a good husband.  Now, I don’t know.”  Basil put down his cup of coffee, “Hey, Jon.  What do you think?” Continue reading →

Jul 14

On What’s Missing

still life with pebbleA typical day finds me juggling agendas:

Will’s involving all things golf with segues into fly fishing or spincasting or minnow catching (aren’t they all the same thing?) and begrudgingly mowing a few lawns to keep him in golf balls.  (Did I mention I’m glad we’re done with fireworks season?)

Jen’s involving ways to gut a stuffed animal, fill it with tubing so as to mimic the digestive process of a ‘real’ dog (without the mess), trips to the craft store and coconut oil treatments on blisters created by spins on the horizontal bar that now graces the back yard.

Mine involves tending a belligerent garden, stopping up water leaks, pretending to write on a third book, finding new things to grill on the Weber and repeatedly washing the same three golf shirts.

  Continue reading →

Jun 14

Coming to Terms with INFJ

INFJ“I’ve been doing this a few years.  I think you’re the first INFJ result I’ve seen.  Of course, most INFJs don’t take Business Management.  Why are you in this curriculum?”

“Those career tests from high school indicated my aptitude was in clerical and organization, so I figured this was the curriculum for me.”

“Have you ever considered psychology or sociology or a degree in the creative arts?”

“They say there isn’t any money in that.”

“That may be true, but will you be happy with a degree in Business Management?” Continue reading →

May 14

Show Them the Love You Want Them to Find

still life with terra cottaDear Jesse,

I like how you set out to read more and then started reading more. I watch you walk into the library. I know you are planning to look for some fantasy fiction or maybe a good mystery.  I see you standing in front of the ‘New Books’ section. I see your eyes scanning the shelves. I watch as your hand reaches up to grab yet another non-fiction about narcissism or relationships or parenting.

Dear heart, you’ve read enough. You’ve seen the patterns. You know that the reason you keep ending up with narcissists in your life is because that’s what you learned as a kid.

Yeah, I know you are gun-shy about getting into a new relationship. That’s certainly understandable. All the reading in the world won’t prepare you for the next time. Your heart will know when it’s time. I can’t tell you how a new relationship might turn out. That’s not my job. It’s your job to get out there and keep trying.

When you are ready to try again. Continue reading →

Apr 14

Let Go

let go

Let go or be dragged.
          – Zen Proverb


She read the quote again.  She closed the laptop and walked over to the peely-paint cupboard that held art supplies and construction paper.  What color should she pick?  She settled on purple.  She looked for a marker in the Kerr jar on the kitchen table.  She wanted something bold – a marker that would yell.  She found a juicy dark blue and purposefully wrote the quote.

She taped the quote next to the others that read:  That is not my journey, NMP – not my problem, and No steamrollers!

As she re-read the quotes, she visualized a thick twisted rope.  The strands of rope were different colors, twined together to make a rope as thick as her wrist.  Each color represented something or someone that she’d allowed to drag her to where she found herself today.


The black represented every one-sided, caustic, demanding, life-sucking relationship she’d ever been in – the narcissists.

The charcoal symbolized her limiting self-talk.

The brown represented her expectations – going as far back as childhood – about what she thought her life would be.

The grey stood for definitions of who she was – assigned to her by others.

The burnt orange represented her lack of self-confidence.

The dark green was every negative, gossip-filled conversation that she hadn’t had the guts to excuse herself from.


She looked back at the quote.


Let go or be dragged.


She wondered where she’d be if she hadn’t allowed that rope to drag her where she is today.  She laughed and told herself, “Well, that’s a waste of time.  You could spend the rest of the day wondering where you could have gone, or you could pull out a pair of scissors and cut that rope apart.”

The burnt orange was the first to go, followed by the grey and the dark green.  The brown was the most fun to cut.  She ceremoniously snipped the brown and felt her mood brighten.  There would be new doors to open once she locked the door on expectations.

The charcoal would take some effort.  She’d have to sharpen the scissors for that one.  Limiting self-talk had been her constant companion.  With sharper scissors, she began to snip the threads of the charcoal strand.

She snipped – “You’re not good enough.”
She cut – “You’re an inconvenience.”
She removed – “Why aren’t you more like everyone else?

She saw charcoal threads scattered on the floor at her feet.  She noticed that the charcoal strand was tightly connected to the black strand.  She kept cutting.


The black strand was the thickest – requiring more than a pair of scissors.


As of this writing, she’s still hacking away at the black strand.


Let go or be dragged.

Feb 14

On Our Fickle Self-Esteem

when an original wears an originalA woman walks into a bar…

She self-consciously focuses on her purse as the bartender approaches and asks, “What’ll you have?”

“I’ll have VO and water, please.”

The bartender pulls down a glass, “One of those days, huh?”

She fumbles with her wallet, “Not yet, but it will be by the time my kids get home.  They’re with their dad right now.” Continue reading →

Nov 13

The INFJ and the Narcissist – Part 3

snow in the shadeShe’d filed herself down so much, she hardly recognized herself, but then not seeing herself made it easier to focus on him and his needs.

He needed the house to look perfect.  He needed the car to stay clean.  He needed the lawn to be mowed in a certain pattern.  He needed their weekends to be full of the kinds of activities that fit the image he was trying to portray.

She would cook meals that met with his approval.  She kept a list of his suggestions as to how she could better prepare his favorites.

She’d fold the towels just so as they watched his favorite shows on TV.

If she tried to read a magazine while the TV was on, he’d make fun of her taste in magazines.  Mostly she sat quietly on the other end of the couch and watched shows she couldn’t care less about. Continue reading →

Nov 13

Changing Her Own Life

Changing Her Own LifeI read and walked for miles at night along the beach,
writing bad blank verse and searching endlessly
for someone wonderful who would step out
of the darkness and change my life.
It never crossed my mind that that person could be me.

– Anna Quindlen

Oct 13

The INFJ and the Narcissist – Part 2

The infj and the narcissist 2Those INFJ traits make for a tenacious individual when it comes to working on relationships.  She would never run out of the desire to try.  She’d contort herself into whatever shape he needed in order to make this work.

If he wanted an outdoorsy woman, she’d happily put on hiking boots.

If he wanted a woman who only had time for him, she’d quit returning the calls from friends and family.

If he wanted a companion who followed his dreams, she’d tuck her dreams away in a box on a shelf in the closet.

  Continue reading →

Oct 13



orange and blue and do-oversHer head hit the pillow and all she could think was, “Can I get a Do-Over?”


At 2:30 that afternoon, she’d considered the possibility that it might be best to go to bed and put an end to this day.  She could pretend she had flu symptoms, make a cup of tea, put on her pajamas and bring this crappy day to a close.

But, of course, she didn’t.  She proceeded to touch more things that turned to shit.  She made bigger messes while trying to mop up other messes.

While running errands, she’d noticed the gorgeous fall leaves reflecting in the still blue river.  Blue and orange were complementary colors for a reason.  At least she couldn’t ruin that. Continue reading →

Oct 13

The List of Lessons

list of lessonsShe drew a thick black line down the center of a sheet of unlined paper.  On the left she wrote the names of people she’s known.  Some no longer played an active role in her life, and some impact her life on a daily basis.  Some stand in the periphery.  Others are knocking at her front door, and some sleep in the rooms at the back of her house.

They all carry clipboards full of notes.

A lot of the names appear on her Christmas card list.  It might be the woman she’d had coffee with on a daily basis in college, but now she was hard-pressed to remember the woman’s adult children’s names.  It might be the guy she’d lived with in college who made it hard for her to look her grandfather in the eye because of the whole “living in sin” thing.


The left column listed names of individuals – all of whom left a print on her life. Continue reading →