It’s On Me


I’m doing it again.

I’m complaining…

about the weather;

about Mark;

about Kevlar Man;

about my hair;

about this little town I live in;

about my to-do list;

about the weather.  (I meant to type that a second time.)

I’m wallowing in the deep, muddy grooves of my fallback position – that of the negative, the pessimistic, the gloomy and the down.

Quick!  Somebody stuff a sock in my mouth.

Enter @PicsieChick

Her gentle, sweet spirit, carried on the wings of butterflies – even in the depths of this season pretending to be Spring – sent this tweet:

How are you making your day fabulous today?

Yes!  She’s right!  It’s my job to make my day fabulous.

It’s not Mother Nature’s job.

It’s not Mark’s job.  ha…  ha…

It’s not Will’s job or Jen’s job.

It’s not Kevlar Man’s job.

It’s on ME to make my day fabulous.

I started with a little half and half and a pinch of sugar in the coffee I usually drink black to avoid extra calories.  Muffin-top be damned!

Then I answered some of the questions on Will’s worksheet – for him – to spread the fabulousness to him.

I sent Jenny outside with her roller blades and a dusting of the fabulous sprinkles.

I cranked the music on Pandora.

I called to offer to watch a friend’s cat while she heads out of town.  (Yes, offering help is a way to make my day fabulous.)

I opted to make the kids what they want for lunch, instead of what I feel like making.

And now, to work on my book.

It’s on me to make this day the way it can be – fabulous.

p.s.  Yes, I’ll be wearing my favorite sweater, too.

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  1. Here’s what’s helping me lately when I get in that loop, and it’s really just a variation on your mantra:

    1. Check to see if my irritability is linked to judging others.
    2. Notice if I’m judging others for the things I’m doubting about myself.
    3. Aha! Always is, so, then, I observe the judgment (about myself), find the humor in it (this may take a while), finding the humor allows me to let it go (sometimes temporarily) in order to clear it from my being.

  2. Alyson,

    And, yes.

    That’s me, too. Irritable, judging and looking for humor.

    Thanks, friend, for boiling it down so nicely.

  3. Isn’t it amazing how the Universe/God sends us just what we need?

  4. Pat,

    I’m always heartened by that.

  5. Oh, honey! I got a few tears in my eyes when I saw this! Thank you!

    It’s true we are each responsible for our own, and only our own, happiness – and fabulousness. It sure makes it a lot smoother, easier, more fulfilling, *richer*, when we work with soul-family to find ours.

    Hugs and butterflies and here’s to all of your fabulousness!

  6. Teresa,

    Thank you, so much, for being the gentle reminder. We are in charge of choosing our attitudes. It’s good to have wise people who remind us of that.

    All the best,


  7. Is it too much to say we are in charge of choosing our life (of course, with a little help from above)? Maybe that is too much, but are we in charge of what we take away from it?

  8. Zaira,

    I like that – “in charge of what we take away…”

    Keeping that in mind, it’s easier to prioritize and see just what it is I want, and what I’m not willing to put up with.

    Which brings to mind gardening. (The optimist in me says we will get to garden this year.) It’s always tough for me to sacrifice some of the new tender shoots, to let all the energy go to the strongest shoots. It’s hard, but so necessary.

    I only have so much energy – for myself and my kids.

    But, I digress…