When He Cries

yin and yangBeware of men who cry.
It’s true that men who cry are sensitive to and in touch with feelings,

but the only feelings they tend to be sensitive to and in touch with
are their own.
– Nora Ephron

Beware the man who, when you tell him you’re leaving your husband, starts to cry and lament the fact that his wife left him five years ago.


Beware the man who, when surrounded by the beauty of his own children, sheds “happy” tears about a stranger’s five year old daughter who sat on his lap and kissed his cheek.


Embrace the man who gazes at you and tears up because he knows his life is blessed by your presence; and he makes it his mission to never let you feel taken for granted.




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  1. Jesse,

    This is so true. My kids have felt totally ignored while their father has doted over other children in public settings. Now they are relieved when he ignores them because his attention toward them is usually negative.

    The sign of genuine love and affection is to cherish and be cherished whether between lovers, friends, or parent and child.

    Warm wishes–

  2. Lynn,

    I have to tell you that I always admire how calm you sound in your comments. I’m trying to emulate that. You are the rock for your kids and you do that so well.

  3. Thank you Jesse. I honestly cannot say I am always calm though I do try very hard to be steady. Steady is my buzzword for the past number of years. I keep telling myself that if I can remain steady then maybe just maybe the boat will not capsize and the kids and I will really make it through all of this “stuff.” Your writings are a balm to my spirit! Thank you again and again!

    Have a great weekend : )!
    Warm wishes . . .

  4. Lynn,

    My sincere wish for you is that one day – and for every day after – you won’t have to worry about rocking the boat.