Jul 15

The INFJ and the Narcissist – Part 11

toy logging truckToddlers are not easy to control.  They are messy, busy, loud and curious.  If the narcissist expects a toddler to be some sort of positive reflection of the image he’s trying to portray, he’ll have his work cut out for him.

That doesn’t mean the narcissist won’t try to get his toddler to be a perfect reflection of him.


She had come to terms with the fact that she would be parenting on her own.  He had even said that everything having to do with the child was “her domain.”  At first, she felt alone and resentful.  She hadn’t signed up to do this all by herself.  As time went on, though, she was too busy to feel any resentment.  Besides, she rather liked focusing all her energies on the child.  The interactions were joyful – something she hadn’t felt with the narcissist since the beginning.

But, as one might expect, the more she focused on the child, the angrier the narcissist became.  When a narcissist is angry, he attempts to control. Continue reading →

Jul 15

Under the Rug

under the rugShe grew up watching her mom sweep everything under the rug.  Her mom grew up watching her mom sweep everything under the rug.  It was what they did.  Their hurts, disappointments, frustrations and expectations all went under the rug.

In the beginning, only the big stuff made it under the rug – the aunt’s DUI, the brother’s marital transgressions, the grandfather’s financial mess.  (There were some things under the rug that are too big to mention here – like the time her husband back-handed her.)  But, as time went on, she found it easier to sweep even the little things under the rug.  Disappointments fit under there nicely, thereby preventing an inevitable argument if she dared to mention those disappointments.

When the kids were younger, it wasn’t an issue.  They didn’t notice her lifting the corner of the rug several times a week, and if they did, they thought it was normal.  The difficulty came when the kids got old enough to notice.  They couldn’t help but trip over the heap under the rug.  They’d hear dad’s harsh words, see mom grab the broom, and they just knew she’d reach for the corner of the rug.

Recently she’d come home with a new, much larger rug to accommodate the pile.  She moved the old rug to her daughter’s room.  The colors in the rug worked well with the colors in her daughter’s duvet.  That’s how she would justify the purchase of the larger rug.

She never took the time to explain to the kids why she hid things.  Better to leave it alone than open up that can of worms and have to deal with all the issues heaped under the rug.  The kids got to the point where they pretended not to notice.  They’d look the other way when mom reached for the broom. Continue reading →

Jun 15

The Wake Left by the Controller

the controllerControllers aren’t always* aware that their actions leave lasting scars on those they are controlling.  The controller is so focused on his desperate attempts at micromanaging his universe that he can’t see the destruction left in his wake.


The Controlled Wife

It’s a wonder she hasn’t been scooped up by Hollywood.  Her efforts at applying makeup are Oscar-worthy.  Because her husband appears to find joy in criticizing her appearance, her skillful makeup application has become an attempt at defending herself from further jabs.  But, trying to please a husband who cannot be pleased is an exercise in futility.

Perhaps more importantly, her artistic way with cosmetics gives her a measure of control over her own existence.  In this way, she has an area of her life that is free from his manipulations.  It’s behind the safety of the locked bathroom door that she is finally able to breathe.  She’s gotten fast with the application, so as to spare herself from his complaints about the amount of time she spends in the bathroom.  The downfall of her obsession with cosmetics is that further anxiety is created by her need to hide any purchases from the controller. Continue reading →

Jun 15

Uncharted Territory

uncharted territoryWhen Hank smiles, his eyes crease, filling the white crows feet created by off hours spent on the river in the sun. “Nice to see you, Janna. What’ll you have?”

“A gin and tonic would be great. Thanks. How are you? It looks like you’ve managed to find the sun when you aren’t tending bar.”

Hank laughed, “Yep. The weather has finally made up its mind. Now if I could get the fish to do the same. How are you?”

“I’m well. I think.”

“Uh oh. Sounds like there’s a story there.” Hank places a napkin in front of Janna, and tops it with her drink. “Hey, was it last month you were in here, all excited about a new man in your life? How’s that going?” Continue reading →

Jun 15

School’s Out!

school's outSchool’s out for summer!  The bell rang at 10:48 this morning.

Will and I discussed the last of his papers, and that marked the end for him.  Jen finished last Wednesday after getting an A on her math final.

And so we are done for another year.


  Continue reading →

May 15

When to Accommodate

Margaret's dish towel“Margaret?”

“Yes, dear?”

Gladys smoothed the crease of her skirt.  “Why are you always so accommodating?”

“Whatever do you mean, dear?”

“Well, you always put everyone else first.  You always consider other needs before your own.” Continue reading →

May 15

On Being Seen

on being seenI’ll bet you aren’t being seen.  I’ll go so far as to say that you probably don’t even know that you aren’t being seen.

You probably haven’t been seen your whole life, so you think that’s normal.

Maybe you haven’t been seen because you are an INFJ.  INFJs don’t want to be the center of attention.  They’re fine coming off a bit mysterious.  They don’t necessarily want to be seen by many, but some of us do crave being seen by a chosen few.


You see others, though.  You see their preferences – their likes and dislikes.  You may see an image on Pinterest and know exactly whose house it fits.  When you scan a menu, you know, before your partner knows, what he’s going to order.  When you give a gift, you almost always hear, “It’s perfect!  You know me so well!”  Walking through a bookstore, browsing titles, you know which subjects your roommate gravitates to.  You remember how folks take their coffee.  You know who prefers a movie at home over a crowded theater.  You know who likes cab instead of chardonnay. Continue reading →

May 15

How to Say “No”

If every shell represented a no ...“So why don’t you just say “no”?”

I put my cell back in my pocket and exhaled loudly as we continued our walk.  “I dunno, Jen.  My knee-jerk reaction is to always try to accommodate – if I can.”

“When they asked you, did you know right away what your answer was?  Did you know right away that you wanted to say no?”

“Well, sure I knew I didn’t want to say yes – my stomach clenched.  Yikes.  That’s a pretty good indication that I want to say no.  I don’t need more on my plate.”

She moved me closer to the sidewalk as a car approached – ever the protector, that one.  “How come you don’t just say no right away?” Continue reading →

May 15

On Reversing the Damage Done by a Narcissist

tools for creatingUnderneath her best face is the face that tried to smile through the belittling comments, the dismissals and the personal attacks.

Years later, long after she’d stopped sharing the narcissist’s bed, she could still see signs of that other face.  Now, when she puts her makeup on, she tries to ignore the lines she earned back then.  She brushes her hair and tells herself that now she could wear her hair any way she likes.

She selects an outfit, and remembers how she used to worry that he wouldn’t approve of what she wore.

Now she goes about her day and laughs at the thought of ever having had to ask for permission to come and go as she pleased.  She takes one last look in the mirror before heading out the door, and marvels at how far she’s come.

  Continue reading →

Apr 15

Narcissist for a Day

narcissist for a dayToday I’m going to be a narcissist.  I’m going to put myself first.


I need to get something done – for me.  In order to do that, I need to put all your stuff aside.

You know I love you.  Right?  And all day long, while I’m making myself a priority, I’ll still be loving you.  But – just for today – I need to make some progress on my* list.

  Continue reading →

Apr 15

A Day in the Life of an Anxious Attacher

“Focus, already!”

“You’ve heard from him.  Knock it off.”

“There must be something wrong.  I sent him that email 20 minutes ago, and still no response.”


Such are the words inside the mind of an Anxious Attacher.

She might start the day optimistic.  She’ll have her to-do list ready, her projects prioritized, her appointments scheduled and her coffee consumed.  She’ll be heading down a productive path that gets things crossed off her list, helps her feel positive and full of energy, and then…  she gets an email where he sounds a little off.  He sounds like he might be out of sorts.  He may not even be out of sorts, but she so adeptly reads between the lines that she’ll be convinced he’s out of sorts by the fifth time she’s reread his email. Continue reading →

Apr 15

On Dating With Kids

on dating with kids“Okay you guys.  What do you think?  Any red flags?  Let me have it.”  (I’m not sure I can trust myself to see things clearly.)

Kids are like pets.  They know who to steer clear of and who to trust – instinctively.  Come to think of it, adults probably have those same instincts, but they long ago stopped listening to them – or at least I did.

Will laughed and immediately said, “No!  No red flags. You’re kidding, right?  Why?”  Jen smiled and shook her head.

“Come on Jen, are you holding back?  You can tell me.  It’s okay.”

“No, mom, really.  I don’t see anything.” Continue reading →

Mar 15

Keeping Our Heads Above Water

keeping our heads above waterWe are paddling like crazy and keeping our heads above water.


We’ve been paddling through some expected stuff; and we’ve held our breath and maneuvered some unexpected stuff.  The water has been pretty choppy lately.

To be fair, there have been some calm pools that allow us to float on our backs, feel the warmth of the sun, and catch our breath.  The bitter and the sweet must be what they mean by balance?

When it comes to homeschool…  ha!  There are no better lessons than the ones that have been handed down lately. Continue reading →

Mar 15

When the Other Shoe Drops

house cabHank had finished polishing the bar when two women approached and perched on adjacent stools.  He waited for a pause in their conversation before asking what they’d like.  He heard the brunette say, “Well, you know that I’m always waiting for that moment when the other shoe drops.  It’s the way I’ve always been.”

The blonde laughed.  “I know, but you have had the shoe drop in pretty much every one of your relationships.”

The brunette said, “Yeah.  Thanks for pointing that out.”  She looked at Hank.  “Hi, I’ll have the house cab.  How are you?”

The blonde said, “I’ll have the same.  Thanks.”

  Continue reading →

Feb 15

On Lost Souls

cherry pie“Gladys, dear, I’m serving up some cherry pie. It’s still warm. Will you have a slice?”

“Margaret, it’s too early for pie. It isn’t even noon yet.”

Jon road up on his skateboard, “Since when do we have to worry about the time on this side? I’d love a slice of your pie, Margaret.” He leaned his board against a grave marker, “Actually, I think I’ll have pie for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That is if yer making it, Margaret.”

Margaret handed a slice of pie to Jon and giggled, “That’s the nice thing about this side. We’ll never run out of pie.” She scraped the server against the pie plate. “Gladys, if you don’t mind, dear, I’ve been wanting to ask you a question.”

Gladys sat down next to Margaret. “Go ahead. Ask away. Although I don’t know what I could possibly know that you don’t know.” Continue reading →